Ready. Set. Live!

This is Livestream Manila

Reach your Audience, Anywhere & Everywhere

Livestream Manila is here to provide you with a onsite, all inclusive event live streaming service to multiple destinations and platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitch and More. Stream to your website, your offices abroad from multiple locations for any event imaginable, big or small.

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Our Clients

Focus on your event, Leave everything else to us. We handle the technical, creative and logistical challenges. You want to show it to the world? Livestream Manila is here for you.

Our Services

Livestream Services

Want your event to be broadcasted to a particular group of people? Maybe to your office or loved ones abroad? Congratulations you’ve come to the right place.

Social Media Livestream

Want to share your event to a billion people to any platform? Facebook? Check. Youtube? Check. Everything else. Check.

Photo & Video Coverage

We’re not just your regular tech guy, our team are composed of professional photographers, videographers & content managers making sure your streaming not only be smooth but look its best.


Need help in setting this all up? Livestream Manila is here to help, anything from equipment advise, event stream planning, conceptualization to pressing the live button. We’re here for you.

Featured Work

Lets go straight to the point shall we? Check out our samples.

Hyundai at MIAS 2019

Canon x Camera Haus

Globe Telecom

Hyundai Highlights

Our Daily Grind

Go Live! Contact Us Today!

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